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This section of the site is not quite ready. Please feel free to have a browse at what's here already. The long term aim is to build an online tool kit for workers/students.

DRAMA GUIDE The planning notes for a seven week drama groupwork project. Can be used in any centre-based setting. Needs the ACTIVITY NOTES in order to do the games.

GROUPWORK ENDING Explores the ending of a group when a student had to leave placement.

PLANNING MODELS (APIE) Guidance on how to prepare a planning model based on the APIE method. See also NAOMIE planning model guidance.

PLANNING MODELS (NAOMIE) Guidance on how to prepare a planning model based on the NAOMIE method. See also APIE planning model guidance.

RECORDINGS Advice on what you could include in a placement recording in order to get a wide report of your work.

REPORTERS! We'll gladly cover any event or piece of work you've been involved in. Click here for more information.

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For any further information, or if you think something should be added, please EMAIL US. Please contribute your own work as this helps us to have as many perspectives, case-studies and experiences as possible...