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Got a story? Tell Reporters! about it.

BESIDES BEING AN ACADEMIC RESOURCE, Student Youth Work Online aims to present a lively online practice magazine each month. The magazine, Practice, will display investigative reporting, innovative case-studies together with tools for groupwork and developing projects.

If you're involved in a piece of youth work that makes you smile - we want to hear from you. It can be anything from a one-off activity to a major, multi-partnership project. Just get in touch with us, and we'll do a story about it.

It's high time we started to promote youth work more...let practice be the place where you blow your trumpet!


Or call Jason on: 

07094 554 538

Or write to:


Student Youth Work Online

13 Beckingham Road

Leicester LE2 1HB







© Student Youth Work Online 1999-2002 Please reference the author of this page.



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