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D R A M A:  A C T I V I T Y   E X P L A N A T O R Y   N O T E S

EACH NAOMIE IS BRIEF, BUT THE ACTIVITIES ARE MENTIONED. So in a nice, fairly brief and easy to understand format, here are the aforementioned activities explained! I have not bothered to explain icebreakers, but would encourage the worker to use a variety.

Session 1

THE LAST CHOCOLATE BAR ON EARTH: This game involves asking the group to get into a circle, preferably seated. In the centre, put down a chocolate/pack of chocolates. The group have to go round in a circle explaining why they need the chocolate bar. Encourage the group to get more and more ridiculous and entertaining - this could be a good tool to assess how you think certain members of the group will take on activities that promote drama.

SIGNATURE PERFORMANCE: At the beginning of the session, ask each young person to sign their name on a piece of paper. Half way through ask them to sign it on flipchart paper as big as they can manage. Then, when you start the game, encourage them to mimic their signature in mid-air. The group should have this practised until they feel comfortable with it. Ask each young person to select a musical track - (Surprise them!) and then they have to think of a way to put their signature to music. WARNING! This can get quite out of hand unless monitored!

Session 2

SIGNATURE PERFORMANCE #2: The idea behind this is to somehow combine the individual efforts into working with others. Suggested format: groups of three get together. Using a musical number of their choice, they should combine all three signatures into a performance.

Session 3

COMPILATION TAPE: Make these musical items as diverse as possible. I found it helpful to use popular music in the forms of love songs, angry songs, fast/slow, etc. Add on some classical, foreign and you have a nice mix. Stick flipcharts around the walls and encourage young people to write/draw how they feel when they want to.

THE WALL GAME: Oldest drama lesson in the book. Carry this out soon after the feelings/music exercise. They should direct feelings and expressions to the walls. If this is not forthcoming, a selection of moods/situations could be handed out.

Session 4

SCENARIO GAME: Write down some situations (make them vague) and encourage young people to build on them and perform. Allow some time for prep. Encourage the more disruptive or overactive "dramatists" to take lead role. This represents a good peer education perspective by transferring the responsibility!

Session 5

OBJECT GAME: Group should have personal (but not valuable) object with them. They are to select a piece of music you have with you and describe to the rest of the group what this object means to them.

THE DRESSCODE GAME: In the previous session, each young person should be put into groups of three. In their groups they choose a number. That number represents a way of dressing up. This session, they should come prepared with these clothes. Hand them a scenario typical to these clothes and they can begin planning and performing it. The camera is there to film their final work!

Session 7

This is generally the finale to their work. Session 6 should be used to promote this and prepare the young people for planning. The idea is a Jerry Springer style talk show. The group can be guests, audience members and they will have to produce issues that are relevant and important to young people. A "final thought" by the young people should also be encouraged.

This can be filmed and shown to the rest of the group.


Extract from: Northleach Drama Group NAOMIE, Report & Evaluation
Jason Wood (1998), Gloucester: Unpublished
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