ISSUES IN YOUTH WORK takes up a range of issues that face
practitioners everyday of their professional practice. The authors in the
book (many of the usual suspects: Jeffs & Smith, Banks, Young) tackle
and dissect ethical considerations and relate them to practice throughout.
This is a good text for the duration of study and I'm sure you'll quote
from it for essays spanning the theory and practice of youth work through
to research methods. Of particular mention is Kerry Young's contribution,
set in the tone of her book - The Art of Youth Work. Its inspiring
stuff!! I also liked Tony Jeffs and Mark Smith's chapter on financing YCD
work. With the debates about ethical funding, it makes a good read. All in
all, well worth buying.
Ethics and the Youth
Ethics in an Age of Austerity
Professional Ethics,
Accountability and the Organisational Context of Youth Work
Resourcing Youth Work: Dirty Hands and Tainted Money
The Youth Worker as
Guide, Philosopher and Friend: The Realities of Participation and
Youth Workers as Controllers: Issues of Method and Purpose
The Youth Worker as
Converter: Ethical Issues in Religious Youth Work
Youth Workers as Mediators and Interpreters: Ethical Issues in Youth Work
with Black Young People
The Youth Worker as
Confident: Ethical Issues of Welfare and Trust
Rights Based Approaches to Work with Young People
Young People as
Researchers: Ethical Issues in Participatory Research
are expensive to buy, but at SYWO we believe that some of well worth the
investment. The titles we recommend are ones that you are likely to use on
a few occasions throughout your study. If you'd like to suggest a title
for us to review or for you to review yourself, please contact