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Planning models are designed to show clear evidence of all the considerations that you take when you plan a piece of youth work. During placements, they are essential in order to meet certain criteria. Also, as more and more authorities look to promote careful planning of work with young people, it is good to have sound knowledge and experience of using planning models.

The NAOMIE model is one of two that are explored at this site.

The framework requires evidence of you identifying the:







Of a piece of work/project that you intend to do.

It will clearly show, in an easy-read format, that you have taken all these into consideration when planning projects. Below are some questions under each area of analysis – hopefully you can start to work out ways in which you would answer them.



Why are you contemplating doing this activity? What are the needs of the young people attending the project? What are the needs of the project as a whole? Have you considered that these needs may not be within the young people’s agenda, but may be part of legal or regulatory requirements?

EXAMPLE: Young people attending rural youth centre, with little to do and complaining that nothing is structured. Three young women have previously been in trouble at school for “clowning around”. They have been excluded from the drama group. Centre staff have noticed some uneasy confrontations between groups, creating an environment that is problematic for other young people.


What is the end goal? What will be the overall learning point of completing the task?

EXAMPLE: A drama group running in the centre. A group of young people who have explored issues and concerns, through lively performance and groupwork. The group relationships are clearly improved and the young women have been able to participate in a project that is in line with what they want to do.


What specific changes will happen? What definitive learning points will you be able to point to? How will something be different in a specific sense? What key things will young people learn? 

EXAMPLE: Drama and performance skills; Teamwork and team building skills; Young people with consideration for others; Improved or explored group dynamics. 9 young people will gain a certificate.


Describe the piece of work that you intend to do. Explain it in simple terms that other people will be able to understand having not participated.

EXAMPLE: A drama group will be established focusing on giving young people the space to play games and act out “issue-based” work with the assistance of youth workers. A variety of dramatic role-playing will take place, and the group will have the opportunity to strengthen their skills in this area. At all times, the groups will be selected by the worker, in order for young people to mix with different people that they would not normally.


How long will this project take? Do you need to raise money? How are young people involved in the planning and delivery? What staff will be working with you? What resources will you need?

EXAMPLE: JW to run group with assistance from the centre volunteer. The group will run for eight weeks. Each individual session will have a planning note, with the games listed on them and how to do them. Young people to plan the final piece that they will perform. We will need a budget of eighty pounds from the centre funds. A video camera, CD player and one room will be needed in order for the work to be carried out.


How will you measure the success of the work (i.e. - have you met the outcomes)? How will young people relate their anxieties/learning points/successes in an environment conducive to them having confidence? How will you consider recommendations for change? Will you involve the input of other staff in evaluating your work?

EXAMPLE: Young people will feedback at the end of each session in a group discussion. The format of evaluation will change each session. Workers to incorporate evaluation into the end of the youth club night meeting. Supervision to be provided by Full time worker. JW to write report at the end.

As I said before, this is only a guideline and does not serve as a command sheet! Modify a planning model and add your own points that you feel would be relevant. It is important to remember that planning models need not consume a lot of time, but must cover the essential facts.


© Jason Wood, August 2000


APIE Model




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