“Is community work about liberation, social
control or neither? Discuss this question, illustrating your answer with
examples from practice where appropriate”
Sayer, J. (1986)
To discuss this question we
will first highlight the very problematic nature of what is collectively termed
`community work`. In attempting to define the role of community work
we will look at the theoretical educational role of the community worker,
particularly discussing the concept of empowerment. The disparity between the
theory of community work and its practice on a day to day basis will be
discussed within the context of political ideological frameworks. The processes
of liberation and social control will be discussed briefly in relation to
community work theory and practice and some attempt will be made to propose how
community work may operate within these processes.
`Community` & the Role of Community Work
Before we can begin to discuss
the role of community work we must first come to a common understanding of the
term community. This is more complicated than it may sound, as the phrase has
been, and is used in many different ways to indicate different things to
different individuals and groups. The term community has three major uses within
community work practitioners:
may be employed to describe locality (a given geographical area) as a basis of
social organisation.
It may be
used to refer to a local social system or set of relationships that centre upon
a given locality (such as an administrative boundary area e.g. a Local Education
is used to describe a relationship which produces a strong sense of shared
identity, or common interests which is not dependent on physical location (e.g.
black community or Jewish community).
1992; Hawtin, Hughes and Percy-Smith, 1994)
Thus it is impossible to
provide a simplistic definition of what is implied and understood by the term
community work. The concept of community is in itself problematic. As we can
see, it has numerous interpretations, making it difficult, if not impossible to
determine an absolute answer to the question “what is community work?”
Compounding the difficulty in
explaining the concept and nature of community work is its ability to operate
within political climates which it would often seem are in diametrical
opposition. Thorpe outlines this notion concisely, explaining that `the term
community work can refer to a wide range of quite disparate approaches,
reflecting diverse, and often opposing, political ideologies` (Thorpe,
Popple’s analysis of the
development of community work describes a plethora of compatible and conflicting
theories, ultimately concluding that `there is no distinct community work
theory, rather a clutch of theories which can broadly be divided into categories
related to macro-theories of society` (Popple, 1995, p.32).
Sayer concurs that `Community
work has long been characterised by a multiplicity of theoretical perspectives,
and ideological principles` leading to a `confused understanding of the field of
practice, and the role and tasks of the workers`. She discusses the difficulty
is seeing a link between the various facets of the work, being learning, action,
or resource development, ultimately concluding that `Community work tends to end
up trying to be all things to all people` (Sayer, 1986).
However, Smith (1999) provides
a synopsis of the development of community work in the UK, which goes some way
to helping us to understand the role of community work. The term community work
has a relatively short history in the UK. In the late 1950’s and early
1960’s accounts of practice and theoretical texts began to appear which
classified community workers as a distinct occupation in opposition to earlier
views of separate groups of workers such as community centre wardens and
development workers (Smith, 1999). Thomas (1983, p.25) argues that the main
orientation of this new common occupational identity was education. This
education of communities had previously existed and was earlier described as
`community organization`, being a division of social work, the complementary
methods being `casework` and `group work`. Community organization was described
aimed at helping people within a local community to identify
needs, to consider the most effective ways of meeting these and to
about doing so, in so far as their available resources permit`
1999 citing The Younghusband Report (1959))
local people to decide, plan and take action to meet their own needs with the
help of available outside resources;
local services to become more effective, usable and accessible to those whose
needs they are trying to meet;
account of the interrelation between different services in planning for people;
necessary adaptations to meet new social needs in constantly changing
1968, p.140)
The term often used to describe
this educating process is empowerment.
Interestingly the Gulbenkian committee believed that community work
intervention, as an educational concept, far
from being the sole role of specialist workers, was the role of teachers, social
workers, the clergy, health workers, architects, planners, administrators and
others. This belief points towards a recognition that divisions within society
are to blame for the unequal treatment of individuals and groups in communities,
and without addressing these divisions from a holistic viewpoint, little real
improvement will occur. This basic value, it will later be argued is fundamental
to understanding the climate in which community work is undertaken.
– Theory and Practice
Schuftan defines empowerment as
`a continuous process that enables people to understand, upgrade and use their
capacity to better control and gain power over their own lives` (Schuftan, 1996,
p.260). Thus empowerment provides groups and individuals with `choices and the
ability to choose` and to `gain more control over resources they need` for
improvement in their lives (Schuftan, ibid.).
Thus we see that empowerment is indeed an educational process, which does not
directly seek to control people, but allows them to exercise choices.
Paulo Freire’s definition of
empowerment describes a collective process in an open forum with a shared
control over the curriculum (Freire, 1970, 1973; Heany 1995). Indeed Jeffs and
Smith describe non-formal educators as those who have an interest in building a
`bottom up or negotiated curriculum` (Jeffs and Smith, 1996). Freire describes
education for liberation in terms of providing a forum open to the imaginings
and free exercise of control by learners, teachers, and the community. Thus
empowerment is both the means and the outcome of a pedagogy which some have come
to call `liberatory education`. This is delivered via a complex process of
praxis in which cycles of action-reflection-action develop a `critical
consciousness` in which one becomes open to revision when analysing problems (Freire,
1970, 1973; Heany 1995). This educational process would appear to be congruent
with many of the definitions of community work theory, as Shaw (1997) upholds,
community work is essentially an educational activity (Shaw 1997, cited in
Forrest, 1999).
This is a very thought
provoking theory, however it is a theory that is rarely transposed into
community work practice. Indeed if education for liberation is based on
`praxis`, that is creating a culture in which individuals and groups become
`critically conscious`, then surely community work as a process should have at
least as much involvement with those groups who hold power as it does with those
who face discrimination and oppression. If community work `empowerment` is
indeed about dialogue rather than polemics, in its practice as well as its
theory, would we see the plethora of community workers in projects working with
the poor, ethnic minorities, women, and gays and lesbians? Or would community
workers be dispersed throughout the whole community, communities with and
without power, communities with and without wealth, and communities both
oppressed and who oppress? Indeed the paradox of empowerment is that for every
group we seek to empower, we are conversely seeking to get another group to
disempower themselves. This empowerment process therefore involves more than one
group, as community workers seeking the progress of liberation and democracy is
it not required that we work with and on the behalf of all of these involved
Community work practice both
historically and currently tells a very different story. Community work in
reality is an inherently political activity. Smith describes the demise of the
educational influence in community work into nothing more than rudimentary
expression in the texts of the 1950’s and 1960’s (Smith, 1999). Thus
community work as an educational experience has been more or less confined to
theory as the practice has begun to focus on process goals which reflect the
ideology of the individual community worker, the organisation for which they
work or those of local or national government.
Hence we have seen the
contemporary explanations of community work described within a context of
political ideologies (Lambert, 1978; Hanmer and Rose, 1980; Thomas, 1983;
Sutton, 1987; Thorpe, 1985). Various community work methodologies are prescribed
to particular political leanings, for example self-help and self-reliance, and
the avoidance of dependency is prescribed to a Conservative ideology, whilst
neighbourhood organisation is aligned to the political left of the
However, for some commentators
`empowerment is a contested concept` (Forrest, 1999, p. 93). Forrest
distinguishes the use of the term empowerment as a capitalist tool for
increasing productivity in the workplace from `educational practice` empowerment
which he feels can build `hegemony within the working class` (ibid.
p. 93-107). Thus we become aware of not only an element of rhetoric surrounding
the term empowerment but a disparity of meanings. As workers it is imperative
that we are clear in what we perceive to be empowerment and that we remain
focussed upon the educational process as discussed by Freire (1970, 1973).
Liberation and Social Control
For the interests of community
work, liberation may be described as a process seeking to promote freedom from
the social hegemony, which institutes inequality and oppression. Thus liberation
is about addressing issues of inequality and oppression and redressing the
balance of power within society. We can see therefore that this process of
liberation is only concerned with freedom from institutionalised oppression and
poverty created within our advanced industrialist capitalist society, and thus
is in reality liberation of the oppressed. The process of empowerment discussed
above can be used to foster this liberation, by challenging the models which
create oppression and educating that alternative models are available.
Conversely there is a group
within society which currently holds power and wealth. It is the role of
liberation and empowerment to re-educate this group towards ways of thinking
which are not based purely on profit and greed, but on redistribution of wealth.
So that ultimately every member of society has at least a minimal standard
within essential services such as income, housing and medicine.
Rosendale discusses the
suitability of community workers supporting direct political action from
community groups attempting to redistribute power, emphasising that this may
only be possible with the use of civil disobedience. These `political acts` are
described as ``activity concerned with the acquisition of power, or gaining
one’s own ends`. The argument concludes that `History teaches us that there is
an irrefutable link between politics and education`, yet debates the difficulty
faced by a community worker who wishes to endorse or maintain this role. Indeed
Rosendale’s analysis of the situation is inconclusive, not least because of a
lack of practice based experience with which to augment theoretical argument
(Rosendale, 1996, p.60-67).
Traditionally social control
has been seen as a coercive process, which engenders social conformity and
maintains status quo. Indeed `Without its values, society would have no way of
regulating the interchange of citizens; without its order, chaos, anarchy and
continuous war for hegemony are likely to result. The process which enforces
values and maintains order is termed social control` (Hoghughi, 1983, p.26).
Social control within a context
of community work may be regarded as a process of continuity. Indeed much
community work, especially that of those with right wing political ideology,
involves self-help and making the best of what you have. Thus, it could be
argued that this kind of work reinforces the current hegemony and deflects from
attempts to challenge the oppression it creates, especially if this challenge
may manifest as civil disobedience. Furthermore it could be argued that many
community workers who work towards small political gains and improvements for
individual communities are only serving to pacify a potentially threatening
collective group of radicals. That is by allowing them political gains in their
local community they are discouraged from seeking collective action with other
groups in similar positions of disadvantage and attempting a radical change at a
regional or even national level. Thus by working with relatively isolated
communities for individual political gain we can see that it is possible to
interpret this work as protection of the current hegemony, within the context of
society as a whole, and thus the work could feasibly be described as social
Similarly, it may be argued
that by adopting a `non-directive` approach to community work, that is one in
which consensus, discussion and consultation is used to reach agreement on goals
with the worker taking a `passenger seat` may also reinforce current hegemony (Massallay,
1990, p.78). The theory of this work is truly empowering, yet as Massallay (ibid.)
describes as the disadvantages of this style as a possibility that it may prove
`counter-productive`, for example if unrealistic goals are set and thus not
achieved communities may lose confidence in themselves and/or the worker. This
may lead to a negative attitude of defeatism, groups may potentially cease some
or all action, thus once more the current hegemony is retained. Perhaps a more
directive approach may help to prevent this potential.
Is this form of social control
really within the remit of the community worker or is this merely a matter of
individual interpretation?
Work Ideologies: Education, Egalitarianism and Politics
Whilst endorsing the
educationalist stance on community work, Filkin and Naish dispute that community
workers should start with a neutral aim. They describe the main aim of community
work as `resource-redistribution from the powerful to the weak` arguing that
this would `bring enormous benefits to people living in inner city areas, outer
city estates … rural feudalism, or belonging to groups which society
discriminates against, such as women, black people, teenagers, gays or the
poor`(Filkin and Naish, 1982). Thus they have described not only the process
that is community work but also the groups for whom this process should be
Moreover they strongly
challenge a tradition of community work which has an `objective` or `neutral
tradition`. They argue that there are many fundamental conflicts within
community work such as:
the interests of the poor versus the interests of the affluent;
between racists and those who they harass and oppress;
between tenants and landlords;
between the unemployed or homeless and those who own and manage jobs and
the whole question of resource distribution in an `outrageously unequal
society` (Filkin and Naish, ibid.).
They argue that community
workers should not ignore these conflicts of interest, for in working to
redistribute resources more evenly and not at present `by class, ability to pay
or sex, but less damaging and more egalitarian criteria, the life chances of
many people and neighbourhoods would be transformed` (Filkin and Naish, ibid.).
Thus they argue that community work must operate from fundamentally egalitarian
Contradictory to this ideal are
the writings of commentators who believe in `politics –practice congruency`
(see Dixon, 1990). This is a belief that community work practice will be, and is
influenced by the ideological political beliefs of the individual practitioner.
The Association of Community Workers (1975) asserted this notion, stating in
their manual on community work skills and knowledge, that the ideology of the
worker will influence which groups a worker does and does not support and the
strategies endorsed by the worker. Thorpe (1985) expands upon this creating a
model directly relating political ideology to community work practice (see Appendix
1. `Political Models of Community
Sayer builds on the question of
ideology in community work theory and practice explaining that `the way a worker
makes sense` of concepts will influence their practice. She quotes an example of
how a practitioner with a feminist ideology may react differently to a child who
says `women don’t work` than another worker. This is because their ideological
concepts of `family` are very
Sayer discusses a redefinition
of ‘community’ as not dependant
on locality, or organisation, but on `multiplicity of discourses which may or
may not be articulated into the current hegemony of the state`, thus believing
the process of community work is about celebrating the multiplicity of society
and involving communities in discourses which `create expansive hegemony`. She
proposes that by a) being aware of current social ideologies, their own
ideological perspectives and any points of alliance and confrontation; b)
promoting active conscious involvement in rearticulating the above; and c) using
activity to negotiate and transform ideology, workers are able to define,
understand and explain their role within communities (Sayer, 1986). Thus she
believes that the key to defining the position of community work lies in
bridging a current gap between theory and practice.
To even attempt a definitive
assessment of what is understood by the term community work is highly
problematic. Historically it is true that community work has been relatively
chaotic, lead by governmental, organisational and individual politics. This has
created confusion over the role of community work, both within the field and
with external bodies who have created and developed issue based community work
with manipulation of funding and targeted objectives.
It is argued that,
theoretically at least, the role of the community worker is primarily that of an
informal educator. This education as we have seen may be relatively
non-directive, however this becomes problematic as individual and organisational
political ideologies materialise when this educational theory is put into
practice. Thus it can be seen that it is possible for community work to be used
both as a tool for liberation, and a device for social control. Indeed it is
possible that practitioners and projects may jump from one mode to another
instantaneously, or even work simultaneously towards both ends within certain
Community work has thus become
a marginal activity which although boasting a grandiose philosophical theory of
empowerment, redistribution of power and wealth, and equality, has delivered
minor gains for individual communities, and very little major benefit to society
as a whole. Indeed as Cooke describes `Despite the rhetoric surrounding it,
community work is not an inherently radical activity ... several studies …
have demonstrated that community work is more often about continuity than
change` (Cooke, 1996, p.6). This is not an attempt to be hyper-critical of the
very important function carried out by the profession, but is an acknowledgement
of the difficulties encountered in a largely confusing role in which workers are
often in a position of incongruity. As Forrest suggests `community workers, like
plumbers or teachers are more often than not in work environments which are at
odds with a radical view of the world` (Forrest, 1999).
It is time that community
workers reanalyse their role and become clear of their political agenda. Now is
an important period to act to interrupt the widening divide between rich and
poor, powerful and powerless. It is key to the role of community work that
challenging oppression and a redistribution of wealth is placed firmly on the
political agenda. Critical to the effectiveness of this role is the process of
education, not only as an underpinning theory, but as a tool for everyday
practice. Indeed, `A radical agenda for community work practice needs to be
articulated in critique, analysis, and prescription. This agenda can only be
activated by a revitalised and proactive educational role` (Shaw, 1997).
© Sean Harte & Student
Youth Work Online 2000