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Drama Guide by Jason Wood

This is a piece of work that I produced with eleven young people sometime during 1998. It is designed for seven weeks of continuous groupwork and it based on the theme of drama. Below are the seven planning models (one for each session). You will activity guide in order for it to be a success.

I recommend drama for loads of reasons. It helps build team work, tackle current issues and is also good for seeing how groups coming together, evolve and disband. The NAOMIEs can be changed and altered to suit all kinds of activities.


Contents (Please click to go to section)

  1. NAOMIE for session 1
  2. NAOMIE for session 2
  3. NAOMIE for session 3
  4. NAOMIE for session 4
  5. NAOMIE for session 5
  6. NAOMIE for session 6
  7. NAOMIE for session 7

NAOMIE for Session 1


A basic understanding of/introduction to:

- the idea behind the group

- how drama can work and be entertaining

- expectations of worker and young people involved


Group ground rules set and acknowledged. Basic skills assessed and a short set of performances carried out.


Young people to come away with a certain level of commitment to the group and the ground rules. Young people to have an understanding of group confidentiality and supportiveness.


Group invited (max 12). Ice breaker to start session (trust circle/knots). Game one: "The last chocolate bar on Earth". Break for ground rules exercise. Game two: "Signature performance".


Session time: 1.5hrs. Variety of music needed for signature performance. Chocolate needed for first game. 1 worker to deliver and facilitate.


Group to feedback how they felt about games and teamwork approach. Worker to report on session to other staff.

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NAOMIE for session 2


Feedback/review techniques and basic skills in drama.


Introduction of planning activities and group work. Improvements to be made to structure of performances. Reaffirm ground rules.


Group to have understanding of working together as a team to produce coordinated performances.


Ice breaker. Review last session. Use signature game and extend for young people to connect their individual performances together. Perform to other members of the group.


Need various popular music CD singles. Flipcharts for review sessions and for signatures. Group of 10/12 - 1 worker. Time 1hr.


Bring group together for final. Ask to express in terms of how they felt using hand movements.

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NAOMIE for Session 3


Freedom of group to explore ways of expressing using drama.


To encourage group to participate in wide range of activities that promote methods of expression that the members may not have originally considered doing!


Group to have understanding of how they can attach their feelings or moods to different types of music. An understanding of characters - how to detach from their real selves to allow for improvisation.


Ice breaker. Review of sessions to date.

Activity 1: using a compilation tape of different music, ask group to identify how the music makes them feel; does it remind them of anything? Lead discussion after as a group.

Activity 2: Approach an inanimate object - ?wall/noticeboard and show some feelings towards it.


Continue with group. Session time 1-1.5 hours. Resources: CD singles, compilation tapes. Flipcharts for recording feelings.


Group to express to worker how they felt the session went. This can be done as dramatically as possible.

Worker to record progress.

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NAOMIE for session 4


Group to understand how they can work together to perform a piece of drama.


A basic understanding of how to plan a piece, based on limited information and using their fellow group members. Senior, more experienced or extrovert members to co-ordinate.


Group to present a series of short performances as a team. Group to be able to assist in evaluating each others work. Developing team work awareness and skills.


Bring group together with a friendly, fun game. This could be a series of trust games to reaffirm their belief in each other in terms of respect and confidentiality within the group.

Activity: produce three different scenarios - these can be issue based. Ask groups to split up. They have 10-15 minutes to prepare.

Groups come together and perform. Everyone to take part in feedback of each performance.


Session time: 1hr. Worker to deliver session with help from senior members. Encourage "silly" members to take lead role. Access any resources you may need in relation to the scenarios you have selected.


Group to give feedback on performances and on the session itself. Worker to provide feedback.

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NAOMIE for session 5


A review of learning to date. A need to progress on to producing evidence of their work.


Young people to be given the opportunity to extend their performances away from the group they have been working with. Also to provide some sort of evidence of their progress.


To produce a series of drama based activities and film them.


Before session - ask y/p to bring object close to them and to bring clothes for 1 of 3 scenarios (eg. job interview, night out, rock concert.)

Warm up with fun ice breaker. Worker to explain the camera - an emphasis on directing attention to their performance rather than the camera itself.

(1) Group to explain object in a dramatic way with music.

(2) Group to approach the place they are dressed for in a dramatic way - to the music.

(3) Split up into the three "dresscodes" and give them a scenario to work to relating to their dresscode.


Session time: 1.5 - 2hrs. 1 worker plus camera operator. Video camera. Music.


Young people to tell camera how they felt about session.

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NAOMIE for session six


Feedback and evaluation skills.


Young people to be able to analyse their work and provide comments where appropriate. Preparation for final performance.


A clear understanding of feedback, how improvements can be made, how they can use their learning from the group to make changes. Young people to begin a plan of a performance they can show to others. Other skills; dialogue, team work and confidence.


This session will involve watching the video recorded last time. Remind young people that they are not checking how they look - but how they perform - this is crucial to make the session successful. Stop after each key performance and ask for comments, suggest discussion starters. The young people need to engage in good conversation and be able to understand their purpose of watching it.

After the video has finished, begin preparing young people for a final performance. Suggested: "Jerry Springer Show" featuring issues crucial to young people. Ask them to come up with ideas using the "silly" members to take lead roles in preparing.


Session time: 1 - 1.5 hrs. Resources: TV/Video. Writing paper and pens if desired.


Continual throughout film.

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NAOMIE for session 7


Evidence of young peoples' learning and progression through group. The ability to share performance with others.


Group to channel skills learnt into some sort of hard product that they can own themselves.


A video film featuring the young people in various roles targeting issues important to them focusing on their feelings and using music. Young people to have developed confidence skills, presentation skills and feedback skills.


Before session - group have prepared Jerry Springer issues and recorded some feelings.

Lively icebreaker to start session. Explain how the session will form. Reaffirm ground rules. Get groups together and rehearse their work. Suggest alternatives and challenge where appropriate but keep encouraging. Finish session by filming. Suggest making film available to others to see - a performance night.


Session time: 1.5-2.5hrs. Resources: video camera, flipcharts to record ideas. Various types of music.


Bring group together and ask them to thank each other in comical ways (a way of disbanding groups). Worker to provide feedback.

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Extract from: Northleach Drama Group NAOMIE, Report & Evaluation
Jason Wood (1998), Gloucester: Unpublished
© Student Youth Work Online 2001




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