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ESSAY INDEX BY AUTHOR FIND ESSAYS AND ARTICLES BY EACH AUTHOR USING THIS CONTENTS PAGE FOR AN INDEX OF PAPERS BY SUBJECT, PLEASE CLICK HERE SHIKOLL AKTHARCOMMUNITY WORK PROFILE definitions of community work, analysis of a community and an action plan for work Back to TopSHAHID ASHRIF | More About Shahid AshrifBEYOND ISLAMOPHOBIA critically explores issues of Islamophobia and the role of the educator (previously published in Multi-cultural Teaching) CHARTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-ETHNIC BRITAIN an outline history of the development of multi-ethnic Britain QUESTIONING CITIZENSHIP a critical introduction to concepts of citizenship, democracy and civilisation QUESTIONING MODELS OF ANTI-OPPRESSIVE PRACTICE a substantial critique of the models employed by practitioners as they seek to address oppression REFLECTIONS: GENDER looks at issues of gender and oppression from a renewed perspective TACKLING ISLAMOPHOBIA examines the concept of Islamophobia and how to challenge it in practice THREE PERSPECTIVES OF 'RACE' AND RACISM an introductory table outlining three common perspectives on issues of 'race' and racism WHAT WE SHOULD TEACH YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT RACISM a clear and concise introduction to anti-racist methodologies and practice Back to TopCHRISTINE BELLAIRSWORKING IN PARTNERSHIP - A CASE STUDY explores the impact of social policy and funding on the work of a local volunteering bureau Back to TopSEAN HARTEADOLESCENCE AND CRIME explores why adolescence appears to be the 'peak age' at which crime is committed COMMUNITY WORK - LIBERATION OR CONTROL? explores definitions and dilemmas faced in community work practice ETHICS IN RESEARCH examines the view that ethical considerations are always present in research GROUPS & GROUPWORK explores group work theory, including roles, environment and oppression INFORMAL EDUCATION & YOUTH WORK explores concepts of informal education, formal education, the curriculum and conversation SOCIAL INFLUENCE OF GENDER explores how gender is 'learnt' in society utilizing social science perspectives YOUTH WORKERS AS PROFESSIONALS? what is a professional? is it important for youth workers to be recognised as professionals? Back to TopJAIWANDA PATELANTI-OPPRESSIVE CASE-STUDY using planning and assessment models, this essay examines a piece of anti-oppressive work carried out on placement EDUCATION AND YOUTH WORK another example of the development of education in youth work SCIENCE BEHIND YOUTH WORK, The explores sociology and psychology in a student's understanding of herself and the work she does SOCIAL POLICY & ASYLUM SEEKERS - A CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE looks at the implications of modern social policy on services for asylum seekers Back to TopJASON WOOD | More About Jason WoodAGENTS OF SURVEILLANCE explores theories of oppression in the context of practice, using examples of 'race', gender and disability CHANGE AGENT IN CONFLICT examines the extent to which change and stability are important in YCD work, drawing on psychology and sociology CITIZENSHIP - A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION looks at the definition, history and development of 'citizenship' and argues for anti-oppressive principles in youth and community work EDUCATION FOR LIFE looks at the development of education in youth work, including definitions and historical analysis FROM AWARENESS TO ACTION provides a case-study of setting an agenda for practice, including theories and models of community work MYTH OF EQUALITY, The looks at 'whiteness' and 'blackness' and argues that equality is mythical PROMOTING HOMOPHOBIA? critiques current legislation and social policy in respect of tackling homophobic bullying in schools ROLE AND FUNCTION OF THE MEDIA IN SOCIETY explores concepts of mass media, with sociological perspectives Back to TopMaintained by Jason Wood, Site Editor